House of the Dragon


House of the Dragon (2024)

AP-14 (R)

Film House of the Dragon

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Trailer film House of the Dragon (2024)
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Regia: Clare Kilner, Geeta Vasant Patel, Miguel Sapochnik, Greg Yaitanes, Alan Taylor, Andrij Parekh, Loni Peristere
Actori: Rhys Ifans, Matt Smith, Graham McTavish, Fabien Frankel, Steve Toussaint, Eve Best, Emma D'Arcy, Matthew Needham, Olivia Cooke, Ewan Mitchell, Paul Kennedy, Harry Collett, Tom Glynn-Carney, Bethany Antonia, Phoebe Campbell, Phia Saban, Paddy Considine
Gen: Actiune, Aventuri, Drama
Durata: 50 min.
Premiera: 21.08.2022
Un război intern de succesiune în Casa Targaryen la apogeul puterii sale, cu 172 de ani înainte de nașterea lui Daenerys Targaryen.
House of the Dragon (2024) on IMDb 

Photos (10)

Episode Guide (10)

S1 Ep. 1 - The Heirs of the Dragon S1 Ep. 2 - The Rogue Prince S1 Ep. 3 - Second of His Name S1 Ep. 4 - King of the Narrow Sea S1 Ep. 5 - We Light the Way S1 Ep. 6 - The Princess and the Queen S1 Ep. 7 - Driftmark S1 Ep. 8 - The Lord of the Tides S1 Ep. 9 - The Green Council S1 Ep. 10 - The Black Queen

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